Minnesota Genealogical Society 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100 |
Society of Australian Genealogists - https://www.sag.org.au/
MGS Canadian Interest Group - http://www.mncig.org/
Alberta (AB)
Alberta Genealogical Society - https://www.abgenealogy.ca/
British Columbia (BC)
Manitoba (MB)
New Brunswick (NB)
New Brunswick Genealogical Society - https://nbgs.ca/
Newfoundland (NL)
Nova Scotia (NS)
Northwest Territory (NT)
Nunavut (NU)
Ontario (ON)
Ontario Genealogical Society - https://ogs.on.ca/
Prince Edward Island (PE)
Quebec (QC)
Saskatchewan (SK)
Yukon Territory (YT)
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International - http://www.cgsi.org/
National Danish-American Genealogical Society - http://www.danishgenealogy.org/
International Society for British Genealogy and Family History - https://isbgfh.com/
Society of Genealogists - https://www.sog.org.uk/
MGS Forest Finns Interest Group
Genealogical Society of Finland - https://www.genealogia.fi/en/
American-French Genealogical Society - https://afgs.org/
French Lines - https://www.frenchlines.com/en/
Germanic Genealogy Society - https://www.ggsmn.org/
Germans from Russia Heritage Society - https://www.grhs.org/pages/home
International German Genealogy Partnership - https://iggp.org/
Icelandic Roots - https://www.icelandicroots.com/
Irish Genealogy Society International - http://www.irishgenealogical.org/
Genealogical Society of Ireland - http://www.familyhistory.ie/
Italian Genealogical Society of America - https://ouritalianroots.org/
Japan GenWeb - World GenWeb Project - https://www.worldgenweb.net/japan/
Japanese Origins of U.S. Families: A Guide to Local History and Genealogy Sources - https://guides.loc.gov/japanese-origins/getting-started
My Koseki - http://www.mykoseki.com/
Liechtenstein Archives - https://www.e-archiv.li/
Liechtenstein GenWeb - World GenWeb - https://www.worldgenweb.net/liechtenstein/
Genealogy – find your Luxembourgish ancestors - https://luxembourg.public.lu/en/society-and-culture/population/genealogy.html
Luxembourg American Cultural Society & Center - https://www.lacs.lu/
Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging - https://www.ngv.nl/hoofd/
Norwegian-American Genealogical Association - http://www.norwegianamerican.org/
Norwegian Genealogical Society - https://genealogi.no/
Ostfriesen Genealogical Society of Minnesota - http://www.ogsa.us/
Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota - https://pgsmn.org/
Polish Genealogical Society of America - https://pgsa.org/
Pommern Regional Group of Minnesota - http://www.prgmn.org/
Romanian Genealogy Society - https://romaniangenealogy.com/
Serbian Genealogy Society - https://www.rodoslovlje.com/
State Archives of Serbia - https://arhivsrbije.rs/en
Genealogical Society of South Africa - https://genza.org.za/index.php/en/
Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota - http://www.sgsmn.org/
Swedish Association of Genealogists - https://www.rotter.se/
Swedish Finn Historical Society - https://www.swedishfinnhistoricalsociety.org/
Swiss Center of America - https://theswisscenter.org/home