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Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN  55120-1367
(651) 330-9312 •


Minnesota GeneRATIONS

MGS members receive the Minnesota Generations journal four times per year. Most issues starting in 1969 are available online here. Issues from the most recent year are available online only to members here.

Managing Editors:

Kristine Hyatt Lyon, CG
Regan Richardson

Design Editor:

Megan McLean

Submission Deadlines

The following deadlines are approximate. Articles can be submitted when they are ready for consideration so the editing process may begin. The length of time between article receipt and publication is at the editors’ discretion according to topic and need. You can find more information on submissions, guidelines, and writing tips here. 

  • Spring issue: January 15
  • Summer issue: April 15
  • Fall issue: July 15
  • Winter issue: October 15


Newsletter ExampleThe Minnesota Genealogical Society sends out a monthly e-newsletter to all MGS members, and those that wish to sign up on our website. The newsletter is sent out on the first of each month, with an educational newsletter sent mid-month. 

The newsletter will keep you up-to-date on upcoming MGS programs and events, as well as news of MGS's interest groups, branches, and partners.  If you have information about these upcoming events, please contact the newsletter editor at

News items for the next month should be sent to the editor by the 25th of the month.

The newsletter is not an appropriate place for essays or research articles. Please review the writer's guidelines for our quarterly journal, Minnesota Generations, to determine if your article might be a candidate for publication in the journal.

We invite you to subscribe at no cost. You can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each newsletter.

Copyright © 2024 Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100

Mendota Heights MN   55120-1367

(651) 330-9312


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