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Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN  55120-1367
(651) 330-9312 •

Writing Interest Group

The MGS Writing Study Group began in the Irish Genealogical Society International, then an affiliate of MGS. Member Mary Corcoran had studied under Patricia Law Hatcher in a Salt Lake City Learning Track that January and hoped a group would motivate her.. Our first meeting was in her apartment near Loring Park in June 2002.

Since then the group has supported and encouraging  family history writers in their efforts. Meetings are informal and vary from discussion on drafts submitted by members to advice from published authors, ghost writers, and memoirists. Members share opinions based on personal experience.

We normally meet on the fourth Saturday of the month, the time may vary. Currently most meetings are virtual, but as conditions improve, we may return to the Minnesota Genealogy Center. Both styles have advantages.

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