Minnesota Genealogical Society 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100 |
Minnesota's 87 counties have additional resources which might be valuable to your family research. If your people have roots somewhere in Minnesota, check out this list of county links for information on hours, exhibits, and services.
Each of the MGS interest groups, branches, and affiliated partners is a rich treasure trove of specialized expertise about particular countries and ethnic groups. Learn more about what they have to offer and open new family history vistas,
Consider some of these additional sources for Minnesota information if you are seeking your family's past in the North Star state.
Alliance Française Mpls/St Paul (AFMSP)- https://www.afmsp.org/#/
The mission of Alliance Française is to serve its community by promoting the use and appreciation of French language and cultures through language classes, cultural programs, social events, and information resources. With 1,135 chapters in 138 countries, the Alliance Française is the largest cultural network in the world. AFMSP offers a variety of events and activities, including films, concerts, lectures, book clubs, and conferences.
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - North Star Chapter of Minnesota - https://www.northstarchapter.org/
An affiliate of both the AHSGR and the Germans from Russia Heritage Society (GRHS), the Minnesota chapter sponsors events for researchers with ancestors connected to the main German areas in Russia: the Black Sea, Bessarabia, Crimea, Caucasus, and Volga. It also maintains a library focused on immigration from these regions.
American Swedish Institute - https://www.asimn.org/exhibitions-collections/library-and-archives
The Wallenberg Library and Archives is a collection about Sweden and Swedish America, with topics such as immigration, Scandinavian traditions, arts, history, literature, music and food. It includes books, photographs, manuscripts, audio recordings and more, is closed-stacks and non-circulating. Access to the library and archives is by appointment only. The Institute itself is a must-see destination for anyone with Swedish heritage, and it offers events, exhibits, and cultural learning opportunities year-round.
Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis Archives - https://www.archspm.org/archives-and-records/genealogical-research/
Armenian Cultural Organization of Minnesota (ACOM) - http://www.mnarmenians.org/Microfilm copies of baptism, marriage, and death records are available for most Roman Catholic parishes in the counties of Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Rice, Scott, Washington, and Wright. The Archives does not, as a rule, have copies of first communion, confirmation, or burial records. Documents created before January 1, 1921, are available for genealogy research, except in cases where particular items are restricted by canon law. The HRL has some of these records on microfilm - see our list of holdings.
ACOM preserves and promotes Armenian culture, language, history and heritage in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. Founded in 1980 and headquartered in St. Paul, it is the oldest and largest Armenian organization in the state.
Bach Dunn Collection of Luxembourgiana - https://www.stthomas.edu/libraries/special/rare/bach-dunn/
The University of St, Thomas Department of Special Collections houses one the largest collection of Luxembourg-related material in North America - over 3,000 books, periodical volumes, maps, and rolls of microfilm. Much of this material is of potential use to the genealogis, and can be searched through the STU catalog. Getting Started guide
Celtic Junction Arts Center - https://celticjunction.org/
This St. Paul-based collaborative offers a kaleidoscope of activities connected to world Celtic culture. Three independent organizations share the Celtic Junction building: O'Shea Irish Dance, the Center for Irish Music, and Irish Fair of Minnesota. Concerts, classes in dance and traditional instruments, and a research library are just part of their community outreach.
Center for Irish Studies - https://cas.stthomas.edu/centers-institutes/irish-studies/
St. Thomas University in St. Paul has a large Celtic Collection with resources on Irish and Irish-American history and culture. Many may be useful to family history researchers - see their Getting Started guide.
Cyndi's List : Minnesota - https://www.cyndislist.com/us/mn/
Czech And Slovak Sokol Minnesota - https://sokolmn.org/The genealogy world's superstar link collector will start you out with lots of options for exploring Minnesota.
The Minnesota unit was formed in 1882 as part of the international Sokol network. It is a social, cultural, educational, and gymnastic organization. Through social activities and educational programs, it seeks to preserve and transmit the vitality of the Czech, Slovak and immigrant heritage in Minnesota.
Dalby Database - http://www.dalbydata.com/user.php?action=history
Searchable databases of information about people who lived primarily in southeastern Minnesota, including Carver, Dakota, Dodge, Goodhue, Hennepin, McLeod, Olmsted, Rice, Scott, Steele, and Waseca counties. Categories include cemetery records, history books, plat books, newspaper articles, church records, marriages, births, Civil War veterans, and city directories.
Family History Center Locator - https://www.familysearch.org/help/fhcenters/locations/#
Minnesota is home to 20 Family History Centers maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There are also a number of affiliate libraries throughout the state, including the Hoffman Research Library.
FamilySearch Wiki - Minnesota Genealogy - https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Minnesota,_United_States_Genealogy
This is a great place for new Minnesota researchers, with a step-by-step guide, clickable county map, and links to vital sources.
French-American Heritage Foundation of Minnesota - http://fahfminn.org/
Friends of Fort Snelling - https://www.fortsnelling.org/The French-American Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and cultivate French-language cultures through education and public programming.
This non-profit advocacy group was integral in both establishing Fort Snelling State Park and in preserving and restoring Historic Fort Snelling, built in 1825 at the confluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers.
German-Bohemian Heritage Society - https://germanbohemianheritagesociety.com/
A cultural affinity group for people who have either lived in or have ancestry in the outer rim of the Czech Republic, once part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.
Giants of the Earth Heritage Center - https://giantsoftheearth.org/
Founded in 2009, the Center is a nonprofit historical society that empowers individuals, families, and communities with a sense of meaning through cultural and historical programs. It is located in Spring Grove, Minnesota’s first Norwegian settlement. Activities such as creating family trees and recording family stories build multigenerational bonds and understanding.
Heritage Education Commission - http://www.heritageed.com/
Heritage Organization of Romanians in Minnesota (HORA) - https://hora-mn.org/The Commission is an independent, non-profit developed to create, initiate, and conduct programs that aid in the preservation or restoration of the cultural heritage of the Upper Midwest region. Projects include an annual family history workshop and oral histories.
Hmong Cultural Center Museum and Library - https://www.hmonghistorycenter.org/HORA is a resource for Romanian heritage, culture, history, values, current events, and community involvement. It hosts Host quarterly events to promote and present various aspects of the Romanian cultural heritage.
Provides exhibits and a comprehensive library to teach about the the Hmong in Minnesota and Hmong culture and history.
Icelandic Roots - https://www.icelandicroots.com/
Icelandic Roots is a non-profit educational organization specializing in genealogy, history & traditions of Icelandic ancestors.
Immigration History Research Center - https://cla.umn.edu/ihrc
Located at the University of Minnesota, the Center supports interdisciplinary research on migration, race, and ethnicity in the US. and the world. Collections include ethnic newspapers; papers from fraternal organizations, private individuals, and religious organizations; and oral history.
Iron Range Research Center - https://www.ironrangeresearchcenter.org/
The Center’s collection of genealogical and local history research materials includes 1.4 million census, naturalization, and passenger arrival records, mining company newsletters, and a survey of Women in Industry taken in 1919.
Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest - https://www.jhsum.org/
Founded in 1984, JHSUM is the leading organization in the region dedicated to telling the story of Jewish history — from North Dakota to Minneapolis’ North Side, and everything in between. Its substantive collection physical collection of artifacts and oral histories was gifted to the University of Minnesota as part of the Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives located in the Elmer L. Andersen Library.
John R. Borchert Map Library (University of Minnesota) - https://www.lib.umn.edu/borchert
Korean Institute of Minnesota - https://www.koreaninstitute.org/One of the premier map libraries in the US. Collections include maps, books and atlases, gazetteers and place name guides, aerial photography and maps, and periodicals.
The goals of the Institute are to provide knowledge, pride, and understanding of Korea's culture and people; to teach Korean language, with the basis that being multilingual is desirable in our global society; and to provide a resource center for people with links to Korea, their families, friends, educators and the community at large.
Lutheran Church Archives - https://gustavus.edu/library/archives/genealogy/
Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, houses an archive of Lutheran church documents from the upper Midwest. The genealogical sources available are the microfilmed historical church records (up to approximately 1930) of the Minnesota Conference and the Red River Valley Conference of the former Lutheran Augustana Synod (also available through Ancestry). These records are from congregations located in Minnesota, western Wisconsin, North and South Dakota. Also available is biographical information related to clergy and other church leaders.
Maps of Minnesota (Map Geeks) - https://mapgeeks.org/minnesota/
Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery - https://www.maahmg.org/Various historical and modern maps.
The Museum preserves, documents and highlights the achievements, contributions, and experiences of African Americans in Minnesota.
Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums - https://www.mnhistoryalliance.org/
The Alliance seeks to encourage an appreciation of the local history of the state of Minnesota by providing the structure to foster collaborative local history projects, communicate curatorial and educational information, and encourage professionalism among local and specialized historical organizations in Minnesota.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) - https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/vitalrecords/index.html
Source for purchasing copies of Minnesota birth, marriage, divorce, and death records.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) - http://www.dot.state.mn.us/mapsales/
Minnesota Digital Library - https://mndigital.org/Downloadable regional and state maps, and print maps available for purchase.
Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub - https://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/hubBegun in 2003, the Minnesota Digital Library includes digital content from almost 200 participating organizations from across the state. Together they have digitized more than 55,000 photographs, postcards, maps, documents, letters, and oral histories, which are available online in a free searchable database.
Minnesota Discovery Center / Museum of the Iron Range - https://www.mndiscoverycenter.com/A searchable website from the Minnesota Historical Society, the Hub makes millions of pages of Minnesota newspapers published between 1849 and today available online. Due to potential copyright restrictions, most issues published less than 95 years ago can only be accessed from the Gale Family Library at the Minnesota History Center.
Minnesota Genealogy Trails - http://genealogytrails.com/minn/index.htmlThe Center in Chisholm highlights the story of the predominantly European immigrants who migrated to this region at the turn of the 20th century to find work in the burgeoning iron ore industry. Its archives contain more than 4,000 collections, including: records from local and regional units of government, personal and family papers, organizational and corporate records, topographic and mining maps, photographs, and regional oral histories.
Minnesota Historical Society (Gale Family Library ) - https://www.mnhs.org/library/Genealogy Trails is a volunteer-based project dedicated to transcribing historical and genealogical data and placing it online for the free use of all researchers. Its eclectic topics include Minnesota in the Civil War, train wrecks, Native Americans, patents and inventions, and recipes.
Minnesota Indian Tribes - https://mn.gov/portal/government/tribal/mn-indian-tribes/The vast resources of the MNHS include: local, county, and state histories; biography file; census records and indexes; directories; periodicals; genealogical periodicals; family genealogies; Minnesota newspapers; atlases; fire insurance maps; photographs; oral histories; Minnesota city, county, and state records; census; military records; church records; Alien Registration; railroad records; diaries; personal papers; and business records.
Information about Minnesota's seven Anishinaabe (Chippewa, Ojibwe) reservations and four Dakota (Sioux) communities.
Minnesota Jewish Genealogical Society - https://www.mnjgs.org/
Founded in 2015, MNJGS offers programming for researching roots in the Jewish tradition. They maintain a robust list of links to local, national, and global sites for all aspects of Jewish genealogy.
Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center - https://masonicheritagecenter.org/
Over the years, thousands of Masonic artifacts have been catalogued and archived in the Center's library and the Colonel James B. Ladd Museum, reflecting the history of the Masons in Minnesota.
Minnesota Military Museum & Library - https://www.mnmilitarymuseum.org/
The museum is the largest and most comprehensive repository in Minnesota for military artifacts and records.
Minnesota Official Marriage System (MOMS®) - https://moms.mn.gov/
Marriage records from all counties except Scott and Washington. Years covered vary.
Minnesota People Records (Minnesota Historical Society) - https://www.mnhs.org/search/people
Minnesota Rusin Association - http://mnrusinassociation.homestead.com/Use this combined database to search Minnesota birth, death, and census records, as well as Veterans Graves Registrations and World War I Gold Star Rolls.
Minnesota Society of Mayflower Descendants - http://www.minnesotamayflower.org/The Association is devoted to the promotion of the cultural heritage of the Rusin/Carpatho-Rusin/Rusnak people from Northeast Slovakia, Western Ukraine, and Southeast Poland.
Minnesota Society, Sons of the American Revolution - https://minnesotasar.org/The Society is a non-profit, hereditary state group dedicated to preserving and recording their Mayflower ancestors through historical research, genealogy, and education. its members have documented direct descent from one or more passengers who sailed from Holland and England to Plymouth, Massachusetts, aboard the ship Mayflower.
Minnesota State Society, Daughters of the American Revolution - http://www.minnesotadar.net/MNSAR is an historical, educational, and patriotic organization for descendants of Revolutionary War patriots.
The 21 DAR chapters in Minnesota are part of a network of over 185,000 women around the world who can prove lineal descent from a Revolutionary War patriot ancestor.
Minnesota Territorial Pioneers - https://www.mnterritorialpioneers.org/
Members are an international-wide group who can trace their ancestry back to the pioneers who settled in the Minnesota Territory before the state of Minnesota was admitted into the Union in 1858. The group seeks to preserve and promote awareness of the heritage and history of Territorial Minnesota through educational outreach.
Missabe Railroad Historical Society - https://www.missabe.com/home
The MRHS is a group of railfans, modelers, and rail historians who have a shared interest in the Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railway and its predecessors, the Duluth & Iron Range and the Duluth, Missabe & Northern.
MNGenWeb - http://www.mngenweb.net/
MNopedia - https://www.mnopedia.org/Established in 1996 by volunteers, this site specializes in genealogy in Minnesota with an emphasis on the county level. Each volunteer county coordinator manages their own pages, so content may be uneven within the site.
MNopedia is an online encyclopedia about Minnesota developed by the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) and its partners. It is a free, curated, and authoritative resource about our state. All of the articles are prepared by historians, consulting experts, professional writers, and others who have been vetted by MNHS.
Museum of Danish America - https://www.danishmuseum.org/explore/genealogy/resources
Located in Elk Horn, Iowa, the Genealogy Center is the research library of the Museum of Danish America and has one of the largest collections of materials on Danish immigrants in the United States.
Norwegian-American Historical Association - https://naha.stolaf.edu/
North America's largest Norwegian-American archive is located on the campus of St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. NAHA's collection includes letters, ledgers, books, periodicals, photographs, diaries, and audio and video recordings related to the Norwegian diaspora in North America.
Old Minnesota Maps - https://www.oldmapsonline.org/en/Minnesota
Locator for historical maps from a variety of sources.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness - Minnesota page - https://raogk.org/minnesota/
The purpose of this site is to help others obtain copies of documents, pictures of tombstones, etc., that can not be obtained easily by those who do not live in the area of their ancestors. Volunteers may be available to visit courthouses or cemeteries. There are also many links and helpful finding aids for all US states.
St. David's Society of Minnesota - https://stdavidsofmn.org/
The Society was formed to celebrate the heritage and culture of the Welsh immigrants to Minnesota, including literature, history, music, dance, art, and ideas.
Sami Cultural Center of North America - https://www.samiculturalcenter.org/
The Sami (Sámi, Saami, Same) are the indigenous people of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Russian Kola Peninsula. The Sami Cultural Center serves descendants of Sami immigrants to North America and others interested in discovering and celebrating Sami culture and history.
Scottish American Center - http://www.scottishamericancentermn.org/
The Center's goals are to help visitors learn, connect, preserve, and celebrate Scottish and Scottish-American culture. Events and services focus on history, tradition, geography, travel, general Scottish and highland genealogy, and more.
Sons of Norway - https://www.sofn.com/
Organized as a fraternal benefit society by 18 Norwegian immigrants in Minneapolis in 1895, Sons of Norway has expanded its mission to include the preservation of Norwegian heritage and culture and it is now the largest Norwegian organization outside Norway.
Swedish American Newspapers Project - https://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/swedishamerican
Swedish Cultural Society of Duluth - https://www.swedishculturalsociety.org/Created through a partnership of the Minnesota Historical Society, Kungliga biblioteket (National Library of Sweden), the American Swedish Institute, and the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. Offers more than 300,000 digital pages from 32 publications.
Swiss Center of America - https://theswisscenter.org/homeThe Swedish Cultural Society of Duluth was founded in 1934 with the purpose of supporting and promoting Swedish culture and language through monthly meetings and special social events.
Twin Cities Swiss American Association (TCSAA) - https://www.tcsaa.us/index.htmMuseum, library, and education center with more than 10,000 Swiss-American artifacts, books, and documents. Located in New Glarus, Wisconsin.
This group provides an opportunity for closer association of Swiss and friends of Switzerland in the Twin Cities area, cultivates and preserves Swiss and old world traditions, culture and sociability, and fosters Swiss-American friendship, cultural exchange, and international goodwill.
Upper Midwest Jewish Archives - https://www.lib.umn.edu/collections/special/umja
The collections document the lives of Upper Midwest Jewish communities in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and western Wisconsin from the mid-19th century to the present. This includes the everyday lives of families, Jewish-run businesses, religious communities, and advocacy organizations. Materials include books, institutional administrative records, synagogue records, rabbi's papers, family papers, correspondence, personal publications, scrapbooks, moving images, and photographs.