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Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN  55120-1367
(651) 330-9312 • info@mngs.org

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Forensic Canines: Can This Technology Help?

  • 6 Mar 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
  • Zoom Webinar

Presented by Sheila Benedict, sponsored by the Minnesota Genealogical Society.

Audience: Intermediate

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Forensic Canines (HHRD) are not part of someone’s genealogical research plan, not yet anyway! What are they and are they helpful to genealogical research? They are a long way from a census schedule, county, state, and federal record offices, DNA testing, and visits to a homeland. As genealogists, we understand the need to always be looking for new and innovated ways to find our ancestors. Can either or both GPR and the HHRD Canines be helpful to genealogical research? In the age of rapidly expanding technologies and other types of research tools, it is logical to state everything is “on the table.” As a preamble to why it might be important for genealogical societies, family historians, professional genealogists, large online research database companies, and of course, possible DNA interests, you might need to know why, as a genealogist, the topic is relevant. There is no question other entities, such as historical societies and cemetery associations, have used GPR technology but few have had the Canines to assist. “How did I get to know about both of them and why do I think they are important” … attend this webinar to find out from Sheila Benedict!

About the Speaker:
Sheila Benedict has a BA, courses in history, archive management, and paralegal studies; attended IGHR, NGS, Gen-Fed, SLIG, archivist at a California Historic Mission for almost 18 years, researches in Ireland, APG Virtual Chapter president 2019–2020, APG Writer’s SIG president, 2021–2023, GSG board member, past corresponding secretary of The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA), wrote the NGS “Research in the States” California book, many articles, frequent lecturer, genealogical researcher since 1992, and taught beginning/intermediate genealogy and oral history techniques at a local college.



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