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Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN  55120-1367
(651) 330-9312 • info@mngs.org

Introduction to Family Book Creator

  • 11 May 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Minnesota Genealogy Center
  • 6


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Presented by Rebecca Bley Shamblin, sponsored by the Minnesota Genealogical Society.

Have you ever wished for a magic button to turn all your hard work into something beautiful? To turn a tree on your computer into a book in your hands? Well, Family Book Creator may not be magic, but it comes awfully close. FBC is a plug-in for Family Tree Maker, and it uses the contents of your tree to automatically produce a beautifully finished document ready for printing - in only a few minutes! I will walk you through the basics of setup, the many possibilities for customization, the process of editing your final book draft, and even how to use Print-on-Demand to produce the coffee table book of your dreams. Register now to start ensuring that your legacy and life's work will live on. Sure, you could manually collate thousands of data points, design a book structure, insert hundreds of images and captions, create comprehensive indexes, and produce a dozen individual family charts... but wouldn't you like to finish this project sometime in the next century? Save time and effort by enlisting Family Book Creator to take care of everything for you.

About the Speaker:
Rebecca Bley Shamblin has been researching her family tree for over twenty years. She has published two family history books and runs www.ozaukeefamilies.com, a website devoted to her Ozaukee County, Wisconsin ancestry. Her primary heritage is Luxembourgish, and she achieved her dual citizenship in 2018. She loves helping to make genealogy fun and accessible to as many people as possible.

$30 for MGS Members, $40 for Non-Members

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